The late Jimmy Thomas, the man affectionately known as “Pup,” worked for years as a Hoosier tire guy. However, he wasn’t just a tire guy.
Tag: Dale McDowell
Dale McDowell: What a $100K Win Means
Last Saturday, Dale McDowell scored $100,000 a win. The victory came during the XR Super Series’ Spring Thaw at Volunteer Speedway in Bulls Gap, Tennessee.
Eli Beets: The Face of Short-Track America
There’s a story behind every photo, and that holds true for Eli Beets. Beets appears on the cover of the book, “Outside Groove: The Best
Donald McIntosh: Perseverance Wins Championship
Since a young age, Donald McIntosh knew he would have a few rough days in racing. However, little did he know that a sticker he
Sam Seawright: Embracing the Ruts Leads to Big Win
Rough track conditions didn’t deter Sam Seawright. In fact, Seawright embraced the ruts en route to his first Schaeffer’s Oil Southern Nationals Series win. The