Sampson Racing Engines: Why We Use Fytron Software

Sampson Racing Engines: Why We Use Fytron Software

Time is money, and Sampson Racing Engines understands that. They don’t have time to fumble with clunky software or paperwork, that’s why they choose Fytron Software for their shop that builds engines for a variety of applications, from dirt tracks to drag strips.

“Fytron has streamlined my business, saving me valuable time and money,” Jake Sampson said. “It’s fast and easy to use, helping us develop the engine that powers the fastest Dodge Charger in the world as well as engines for our many customers.”

Sampson particularly likes one of Fytron’s latest features: its integration with QuickBooks.

“When I close an invoice in Fytron, I instantly have a QuickBooks file for accounting,” said Sampson. “With QuickBooks we can track the in-house manufacturing and sales of our own parts.”

Another feature he enjoys is the reports Fytron Software generates.

“You can search dates, pull a report, and show what parts were purchased for a job,” Sampson said. “The reports show parts, income, profit, and labor. You can pull individual reports or put them all together.”

Fytron tracks shop supplies and consumables, too.

“For common jobs, you can set up Fytron templates so you don’t miss expense items when doing estimates,” said Sampson. “Before, things got missed all the time, things I should have been charging for.”

Not only does Fytron Software record expenses, but also the details of individual builds. Sampson Racing Engine attaches spec sheets and balance cards to each job it completes.

“Those sheets and cards will stay with the engine forever,” Sampson said. “I will be able to look up specs from years ago. All the part numbers for the engine are also there. Come freshen up, there is no searching — everything is there.”

With all the information easily stored, Sampson Racing Engines has saved time.

“It used to take me a half day to record all the specs of a job,” Sampson said. “Now, I get it done in a half hour with Fytron. For invoices and estimates, my pre-saved labor figures are there at my fingertip. For example: in doing a pair of heads, the labor field has estimated time for the job as a starting point. It then multiplies the time by the shop rate. Adjustments can be made to the time or rate, if necessary. Calculations are instant.”

Ultimately, Fytron Software allows an engine shop to focus on building engines and selling them, rather than the time-consuming business end of things.

“Just the things I would have forgotten more than pays for my monthly subscription to Fytron,” said Sampson. “There is no doubt that Fytron has made me money.”
